Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Book Review - For The People: Post-Secession

For the People: Post-Secession is the story of a young girl turned powerful woman named Kiranda. In Kiranda's world, there are two classes, the lower class and the upper class. The lower's class's territory is in the south. They live very simple, almost primitive lives because the upper class has taken all resources from them. A hobby of the upper class is to frequently invade the lower class's territory, kill as many as they can for sport, and record the killings to watch as entertainment later.
As a child, Kira and her friend Thatcher, along with Thatcher's father and Kira's mother are captured by scientists of the upper class. They are experimented on by the scientists to try and find a way to make the upper class invincible. Their parents don't survive the experimentation, but Kira and Thatcher do. The upper class is able to regenerate and now has immunity against all diseases. However, Kira and Thatcher have these powers as well. In a daring escape attempt, Kira narrowly escapes the facility with her life, only surviving due to the healing powers she obtained during her kidnapping. She is found and adopted by a lower class family, and her quest for vengeance begins.
When she is 19, Kira sets out to travel into upper class territory and find a way to kill them despite the miracles her body gave them. Ghosts of her past emerge as she is thrown into a fast-paced adventure with twists and surprises lurking around every corner. With descriptive writing, well nuanced characters, and one complicated love triangle, For The People stands out as a new dystopian must-read.

Five stars.

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