Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Old Manuscript Revival - Beginning the editing frenzy

Lately, I've hit a stonewall while writing The Corpus Chronicles book 2. I've spent almost two weeks working on the same chapter, when I usually knock out one/two on a good writing day. It is an exceptionally long, intense chapter, so I knew going in it wouldn't be easy. I expected it to be slow. However, I didn't realize the mindset it would leave me in. Now that I'm coming up on week three with only 3k words written, I'm finding myself dreading my writing time and doing anything to avoid it. I've done laundry far to many times, taken much longer than I should have to make myself lunches, and spent countless extra hours marketing EOA. But by far, most of my time has been sucked away staring at my computer screen, reading through what I've already written over and over again.

After another day of brain-numbing staring, I decided that what I need is a break from The Corpus Chronicles. I love the series, but it has held me hostage since last fall, and I've realized that it is time for me to change things up a bit. I thought about starting a new project, but once I get going with a project, it is extremely hard for me to stop (which is why The Corpus Chronicles has taken over my life), and I do have to get back to book 2 eventually. When deciding what to do, I remembered that through the last few days, I found my mind drifting back to an old manuscript I wrote about two years ago and shelved. If you are a frequent reader of my blog, I wrote about an old laptop that was stolen - this manuscript's fresh new shiny revised draft was on that computer and all I had on my backup drive was a monstrous rough version. A few minutes ago, I printed off that rusty old thing.

It doesn't look so scary there, but I assure you it is. As my new pet project/Corpus Chronicles vacation, I'm planning on reviving it over the next few days to get into publishing order (once I get there, I'll decide whether or not to publish it... first things first). I'm going to write a blog post for each revision day to show the process and to keep me on track. 

We'll see what happens together. Fingers crossed.


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